3 Tips to turn a girl on

Throughout my lifetime, and I bet in yours as well, sex was not something I was taught.

Who took the time to educate us about sex? Few people talked to me about it, and you?

Who at home or in your school, or anywhere else talked to you about it? Personally, no one in my life did.

If you have had a Sexual Education, then consider yourself lucky, as most men do not ever receive one.

Those who are sexually active today learned what they know through practice, or at most through watching porn or talking about it with friends, friends who have never had anyone talk to them about sex either, so are also full of doubt.

How do we know what women want? Being taught by friends who also do not know?

At most they will know what works for them. Knowing what works with women is only possible by speaking to them.

If you have never had an open discussion with a woman on the subject, then she still has not told you the secret to what she likes!

I will share, including some solutions, some of the most common complaints I have received from women during my 15 years as a Sexual Therapist.

I will give you 3 behaviors your female partner will greatly appreciate.

1) Women hate men who hurry

One of the things you can start doing right now, if you want to surprise your female partner, is to lower the rhythm and do everything SLOWLY.

If you think that women are impressed by speed, then forget it. Women are turned on when everything is taken slowly.

Read also: How to Last Longer in Bed

For example:

When speaking to a woman avoid speaking too quickly. Speak slowly as this will demonstrate CONFIDENCE.

When carressing her skin, do so slowly. If you are trying to stimulate her in any way, do it slowly as well.

If you want to tease her intensely, with the intent of turning her on, do everything slowly. This is what turns on a woman.

Kiss her slowly, bite her gently, lick her lightly, and when using any type of beverage, always pour it on her slowly.

Ask a friend if she prefers things done slowly or quickly, if you still have any doubts.

2) Touch several parts of her body

When in bed, do not go straight for her buttock, breast or vagina. Touch several other parts of her body, tease her, and stimulate her everywhere.

Do not touch her vagina, nipple or buttocks in the first 4 or 5 minutes of sex. Touch everything you both want, as long as you want, just stay away from those three areas.

You will discover that your partner will get turned on even more if you do this.

Most men start in the three areas I mentioned with the intent of turning on their partners, but do you know what I have been told by my female patients at the clinic?

That it would get even more exciting if men started things off differently, focusing on different points of their body not going straight for the buttock, breasts or vagina.

When a woman wants to be touched she opens the body, she exposes herself.

So if you start in other areas, soon the woman will expose herself and leave free the area she wants you to touch.

See? Try this whenever you can.

3) Women are not like men

Women get turned by what they hear, while men get turned on by what they see.

What are our tendencies when it comes to sex? We men want to touch everything we see or feel, women want to be stimulated by what they hear.

Men do not talk enough and women would love it if they did. Tell her anything, say anything, but say it in a pleasant manner. Do not keep silent during sex like most men tend to.

Do things differently. This will leave an impression.

What will be the result in all of this? Women will want to have sex with you more.

Use the 3 tips I have told you about at any time, even though there are 50 other things that women say they want, yet few men do.

If you are already good you can get better.

Women enjoy sex as much as men do, you just have to do it the way they like it.

Have you ever been fishing? When we go fishing we bait the hook with something the fish would want to eat, correct? So for sex to be good, you will need to use the bait the woman wants.

Taking advantage of the 3 tips above will already make a difference in bed, because this is the bait she desires.

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Learn even further

Do you want to impress women? Get the eBook “How to Induce Female Orgasms”. It consists of detailed explanations of what women want – and that few men know about.

Female Orgasms - What you were never told - Book by Marlon Mattedi

Buy on Amazon.com: Female Orgasms – What you were never told | E-book by Marlon Mattedi, brazilian sexologist.

Marlon Mattedi

Is a Psychologist and Sexual Therapist with Postgraduate degree in Sexual Therapy from the Brazilian Institute of Sexology and Psychosomatic Medicine of São Paulo (ISEXP / SP) and by the Faculty of Medicine of ABC-São Paulo / SP. He is also a Specialist in Sexuality by the Brazilian Society of Studies in Human Sexuality (SBRASH); a Specialist in Sexual Counseling and Couple's Therapy by the SEXPOL Foundation of Madrid-Spain - Institute linked to the European Society (FES) and the World Association for Sexual Health (WAS). He was Secretary General of the Brazilian Society of Studies in Human Sexuality (SBRASH) from 2016 to 2017 and co-founded the site Sexosemduvida.com.

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